What We Do

You Are Not Alone: Supporting Your Journey

Our shelter is more than just a place to stay—it’s a welcoming home equipped with all the comforts needed for healing. From a warm kitchen to a cozy living room and a playroom for children, our space is designed to nurture your recovery journey. We understand that healing takes time, which is why we offer flexible stays tailored to each individual’s needs, with 30-day evaluations to ensure the right fit.

Beyond shelter, our support extends to every aspect of your life. We provide access to essential medical care, basic necessities, and assistance in finding permanent housing. Additionally, we offer help with travel expenses to reunite you with your support network, ensuring you’re never alone in your journey. With a 24-hour hotline manned by trained staff, support groups, and counseling services, we’re here to provide the comprehensive support you need to rebuild and lead a healthy, self-sufficient life. Financial assistance is also available, and our dedicated team will guide you through the process, ensuring you have access to the resources you need.

Call our 24-hour hotline: 501-941-HELP (4357)

or text 501-743-7500

What We Help With


Domestic Violence

Domestic violence encompasses abusive behavior, whether physical, emotional, or psychological, perpetrated within intimate relationships, often leaving survivors feeling trapped and powerless.

At our shelter, we offer a haven for individuals and families affected by domestic violence. Our compassionate staff provides a safe and nurturing environment where survivors can heal and rebuild their lives free from fear. Through counseling, support groups, and empowerment programs, we help survivors regain their independence and reclaim their sense of self-worth.


Sexual Assault

Sexual assault refers to any unwanted sexual contact or behavior, including rape, molestation, and harassment, which violates an individual’s autonomy and dignity, causing profound trauma and distress.

We stand in solidarity with survivors of sexual assault, offering a refuge where healing begins. Our dedicated team provides confidential support, counseling, and resources to help survivors navigate their journey toward healing and justice. With empathy and respect, we empower survivors to reclaim their bodies, their voices, and their lives.


Human Trafficking

Human trafficking involves the exploitation of individuals through force, fraud, or coercion for purposes of labor or commercial sex, representing a grave violation of human rights and dignity.

Our shelter serves as a beacon of hope for survivors of human trafficking, offering refuge and support to those who have endured unimaginable trauma. Through trauma-informed care, advocacy, and specialized services, we assist survivors in rebuilding their lives and finding pathways to freedom and independence. Together, we work tirelessly to break the cycle of exploitation and restore dignity to those who have been victimized.

Spotting human trafficking requires vigilance and awareness of potential signs. Here are some indicators to look out for:

  1. Controlled Movement: Victims of human trafficking may appear to be under the control of others, unable to move or speak freely. They may seem fearful, submissive, or coached in their interactions.
  2. Signs of Physical Abuse: Visible signs of physical abuse, such as bruises, cuts, or other injuries, especially if explanations are inconsistent or evasive, could indicate exploitation.
  3. Restricted Communication: Victims may show signs of being monitored or controlled in their communications, such as someone speaking for them or withholding identification documents.
  4. Work and Living Conditions: Poor living conditions, overcrowding, and restricted freedom of movement in workplaces or living quarters can be indicators of human trafficking, especially in industries like agriculture, domestic work, or construction.
  5. Exploitative Labor Practices: Workers being forced to work excessively long hours for little or no pay, or being subjected to threats or intimidation by employers, may be victims of trafficking.
  6. Signs of Sexual Exploitation: Individuals forced into prostitution or other forms of commercial sexual exploitation may exhibit signs of physical or psychological trauma, including substance abuse, STDs, or pregnancy.
  7. False Promises: Victims may have been lured into exploitative situations with promises of job opportunities, education, or a better life, only to find themselves trapped in situations of exploitation and abuse.



LGBTQIA issues encompass the unique challenges faced by individuals who identify as lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, intersex, or asexual, including discrimination, prejudice, and violence based on sexual orientation or gender identity.

Inclusivity is at the heart of our shelter, where we provide unwavering support to LGBTQIA individuals facing domestic violence and discrimination. With sensitivity to diverse identities and experiences, we offer a safe space where LGBTQIA survivors can access affirming resources, counseling, and community support. Through our commitment to equality and respect, we strive to create a world where all love is celebrated and all individuals are valued.

How We Help


Our 24-hour crisis hotline — (501) 941-HELP (4357) — is here for you every day of the year. Our compassionate fully trained advocates are ready to respond confidentially to your needs, whether you’re seeking safe shelter or simply need advice and support. You’re not alone — reach out anytime.


Counseling services are available in shelter and through our outreach services. You can schedule in person, over the phone or by zoom. While our focus is on adult counseling, emotional support, and crisis intervention, we’re committed to helping everyone find the support they need. Please email info@lcsh.org or call 501-941-0899 to schedule an appointment.


Support groups for victims of domestic violence, sexual assault, and human trafficking are held every Wednesday at noon and the second and fourth Saturdays of each month at 9AM. They are held at the Thrift Store and Outreach Center. Support groups are free and open to everyone. 


Our advocates are dedicated to helping survivors reclaim their independence. From assistance completing and filing protection orders to accessing social services and preparing for employment, we offer comprehensive support. Court Advocates are available at Lonoke County’s domestic court sessions to provide support and accompaniment as they navigate through the justice system, enhance the quality of representation of survivors, and to improve the outcomes for survivors who chose to participate in all parts of the justice system. 

We can assist you in filing a Temporary Order of Protection.

A temporary order of protection is an ex parte court order designed to provide you and your family members with immediate protection from the abuser. A judge may issue an ex parte order on the day you file your petition if they believe that you are in immediate danger, or if the abuser is scheduled to be released from prison within 30 days and you will be in danger when they are released. “Ex parte” means that the order is issued without prior notice to the abuser and without the abuser being present. The temporary order will protect you from the time it is granted until your full court hearing takes place, usually within 30 days.


Community and school education are vital to our mission. An informed community is powerful and we work closely with civic organizations, church groups, and schools to raise awareness about the impact of domestic violence, sexual assault, & human trafficking through speaking engagements, projects, and fundraisers. Student education is especially important to LCSH, as we believe in the power of youth to drive change. We regularly visit schools to teach students about healthy and unhealthy relationships and to expand their understanding of domestic and dating violence.


We operate a 16-bed emergency shelter for those affected by domestic violence, sexual assault, & human trafficking, and we offer a promise of hope and a haven of safety during your stay in shelter. Our fully trained advocates offer crisis support, case management to empower you to gain back independence. Our caring advocates offer personalized crisis support and case management, plus individuals can opt for counseling with a licensed professional if needed or desired.


Individuals can stay at our shelter with evaluations every 30 days to ensure their well-being. We assist with finding apartments and offer financial support through tailored conversations. Support groups are available for additional guidance and help through the housing application process.