Support & Volunteer

Supporting Victims

How can friends and family help?

If a woman who is being abused comes to you for help, you can:

  • Tell her you believe her.
  • Listen to her (if she wants to share).
  • Thank her for sharing and trusting you with her experience.
  • Help her find resources when she is ready.
  • Remind her she is not alone.

Why do women stay?
Why don’t they leave?

These are common questions but they can cause more harm than good when supporting a survivor. There are many reasons women stay in abusive relationships and it is a complex issue.

Here are a few examples of why women stay:

  • Fear. Abusers use fear to control and intimidate their partners.
  • Financial Instability. Some women are not able to financially support themselves or their families if they left their abusers.
  • Children. Oftentimes, women will put their children’s needs and safety above their own.
  • Damaged Self-Worth. Abusers are skilled at convincing their partners they are the reason for the problems in the relationship or that their partner is worthless.
  • Isolation. Abusers often separate their partners from family and friends, making it difficult for their partner to find outside support.

Make a Difference and Volunteer!

Volunteers are essential to the Lonoke County Safe Haven mission. As a non-profit, we rely heavily on the generosity of volunteers to support community members in need, as well as licensed counselors and advocates to address immediate and long-term needs. Additionally, we welcome volunteers to engage in everyday life skills and social activities within the shelter. Whether it’s sharing a meal, offering companionship, organizing, or leading skill-building classes, every contribution makes a difference.

We also depend on volunteers for maintenance tasks! If you have a special skill or trade and are willing to help keep our facilities and equipment in good shape, we’d be incredibly grateful for your support.

Areas of help needed:

Yard work
24- Hour Helpline
Fundraisers and other Special Events
Support Groups/Life Skills
Processing Donations
Weekly/Daily Transportation
Thrift -store Ironing/Steaming

Volunteer Requirements


Be at least 18 years old if you want to volunteer


Fill out the volunteer application at the bottom of this page


Complete a background check

Transportation Support

Provide transportation services to help survivors get to their appointments safely and without worry.

Life Skills

Assist in teaching important life skills like cooking and budgeting, resume building, etc through classes, helping survivors gain the abilities needed for daily life.

Donation Organizing

Help sort and organize donations, making sure the shelter uses them well to support survivors.

Donate Items

If you’re unable to volunteer, donating items can also make a big difference. Here’s what we need:

  • laundry supplies
  • dish soap
  • cleaning supplies
  • ziplock bags
  • trash bags
  • paper towels
  • toilet paper
  • air fresheners
  • hygiene items
  • beauty products
  • diapers
  • baby products
  • non-perishable foods
  • milk
  • eggs
  • fresh fruits & vegetables
  • art supples
  • toys

You can also shop our Amazon Wishlist.

Join Our "Good Samaritan" Program

If you prefer to give money, you can join our Good Samaritan Program! We think everyone can be a hero by offering even a little help. All money donations go towards making our services better and helping our clients.

We also accept Venmo donations! @lonokecounty-safehaven

Volunteer Application

"*" indicates required fields

Areas of Interest*